Sustainable, Healthy Food Systems Training at the University of Malta: A Preliminary Mapping Exercise


The potential role and need for higher education institutions to promote sustainable, healthy food systems (SHFS) has perhaps never been so critical. These institutions are training future workers along the food supply-consumption continuum, as well as those who influence food choice/behaviours commercially, educationally or socially. This study involved a preliminary mapping exercise looking at the different academic entities at the University of Malta (UM) where food is overtly incorporated in their courses. The aims were to identify broadly which entities are taking a lead in addressing aspect/s of SHFS, which aspects of SHFS are being tackled and how these align with the UM vision and Mediterranean SHFS goals. By reviewing course programmes and a selection of study-unit descriptions with an evident food focus, findings were classified using an eco-system framework, looking at individual, communities, policy and physical-natural environments. Results indicate that individual food behaviours and related influences feature primarily in food and health-related courses, and education-related courses. Food production and innovation in agriculture and in industry feature strongly in applied food studies and in agriculture courses. To a lesser extent, food culture and policy feature in education, and in anthropology, applied food studies, dietetics and Maltese studies. These results help highlight gaps in training for potential players in SHFS. They can also inform achievement of the UM’s 2020-25 Strategic Plan for enhancing intercultural understanding through food and acting as a catalyst for valorisation of local agriculture and food production SMEs, as well as the realisation of broader local/regional SHFS goals.


Suzanne Piscopo
Associate Professor, Home Economics / Nutrition, Family and Consumer Studies, Department of Health, Physical Education and Consumer Studies, University of Malta, Malta

Karen Mugliett
Senior Lecturer in Home Economics and Pedagogy, Health, Physical Education and Consumer Studies, University of Malta - Faculty of Education, Malta


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Sustainable, Healthy Food Systems, Higher Education, Training, Malta, Mapping Exercise