Exploring Experiences of Mealtimes and Food: A Photo Elicitation Study with Occupational Therapy Graduate Students


This study explored the lived experiences of graduate occupational therapy students regarding mealtimes and food through the use of qualitative photo elicitation. Our primary aim was to examine perceptions of mealtimes and food. This qualitative study used an ethnographic approach with six graduate students between the ages of 23-28, living off campus, attending a Masters of Science Occupational Therapy Program. Participants took and selected five to six photos they felt best represented their experiences. Each participant was interviewed by one researcher, engaging in a semi-structured interview via ZOOM discussing selected photos. All interviews were recorded and transcribed for coding and analysis. All data was stored on a secure Google drive. The meaning of mealtimes for participants was influenced by culture, temporal factors, and resources. Themes pulled from this research included: “It’s all about emotional eating”, “It’s not just about where you eat, but who you eat with”, “It takes a village!”, “Mealtime is a sensational experience”, and “Taking a trip down savory lane!”. As every mealtime is unique to the person, one can gain an understanding about individual mealtime perceptions through photographic exploration and discussion. It is important to look at the form, function, and meaning of mealtimes and food in order to better understand and facilitate participation in this important daily occupation. This study demonstrated community is present in mealtimes through who we eat with and the memories food evoked. Contextually mealtimes sparked emotions and sensations that were central to the experience.


Kristin Winston
Program Director and Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy , University of New England, Maine, United States

Dorothy Enomoto
Student, Master's of science Occupational Therapy, University of New England, Maine, United States

Sarah Titcomb
Student, Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy , University of New England, United States

McKenna Bender
Student, Occupational Therapy, University of New England, Maine, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus–Making Sense from Taste: Quality, Context, Community


Mealtime participation, Occupational Therapy, Context, Community