We Have Different Tastes: Exploring the Cross-Cultural Food Choices of Generation Z from Ireland and France


Consumers’ food choices are complex and impact on society in many ways, such as consumer health, the economy of rural areas, and sustainability. Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2015, is a growing segment with tremendous purchasing power and influenced by the global food system and various international media that impact on food cultures and choices. The study objective was to explore perceptions and purchasing behaviour of Irish and French students, aged between 18 and 24, towards foods to identify the key attributes that drive acceptance in each market. An online survey, back translated for accuracy in both languages, was administered during 2020/2021 to Generation Z in Ireland (n=284 valid) and France (n=200 valid) using convenience sampling through student email systems and societies. Data were analysed using SPSSv26. For Irish and French respondents, price and ingredients were the most important factors influencing purchase behaviour, with social media of less importance to the French cohort. Irish respondents were more neophilic towards new foods while French respondents were more familiar and likely to purchase products with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) or Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). French respondents paid more attention to product origin, but both cohorts were equally supportive of companies trying to reduce plastic packaging. Through identifying the food choices of Generation Z, and understanding the differences across cultures, it is possible to develop high quality new foods adjusted for various markets, with key intrinsic and extrinsic attributes linked to consumer trends, which encourage healthy choices and support sustainable behaviours.


Lana Repar
Lecturer in Food Business, Department of Food Business and Development, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Joe Bogue
Professor, Cork University Business School, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Solenn Breton
Student, Master's, L'Institut Agro | Agrocampus Ouest Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Food Cultures, Generation Z, Healthy and Sustainable Eating, Key Attributes