Collective Brands for Rural Development: Brand Design for Green Market


This work focuses on the development of rural communities through their productive and commercial orientation - and how the development of collective brands is a vehicle for the achievement of identity, representation and commercial value. A theoretical scheme or model is developed on collective marks through a bibliographic and sectoral review on collective trademarks. Bibliography is reviewed around collective brands, rural business development, branding. At the field level, shared intelligence is built through interviews with experts from the agro, marketing, copyright. The study focuses on the factual analysis of real cases of brand implementation collectives in Peru, in rural areas. To contrast, we use field work that evaluates this process with relevant stakeholders Finally, an integrative analysis of schemes and models is proposed for the development participatory collective branding that is scalable. The idea is to refine the process in details to ensure greater effectiveness and applicability of the model.


Nicolas Ortiz
Professor, Marketing, Universidad de Lima, Lima, Peru

Christiam Mendez
Professor and Researcher, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economicas, Universidad de Lima, Peru


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Collective Brands, Organic Market, Agroecology, Green Marketing, Sustainability