The Understanding of Sensory Descriptors of Wine by Australian-Italian and Vietnamese Non-expert Consumers


Wine is one of the most interesting consumable subjects in the world (Wagner, 2013). The study of food sciences has drawn much attention to cross-cultural relations in wine appreciation, wine tasting and wine descriptions (Saenz-Navajas, 2014; Yoo, 2013; Rodrigues, 2019) used by international marketers when an international projection of wine is presented. The studies considers, in a cross-cultural perspective, whether opposites are useful to investigate non-experts’ comprehension of terms frequently used to describe the sensorial properties of wine. The study focused on a selection of 64 terms frequently used to describe the characteristics of the wine in the text of Product Specifications. These studies started from an initial study (Bianchi, Branchini, Torquati, Fermanin, Capitani, Barnarba, Savardi and Burro, 2021) and then tested whether significant difference emerged in the finding emerging when the same task was asked to a sample of Australian non-expert wine consumers (Study 2) and a sample of Vietnamese non-expert wine consumers (Study 3), (Truong, H., Burro, R., & Bianchi, I., 2021). One of the main findings emerging from all three studies is that the majority of participants (more than 80%) were able to think of the sensorial properties of wine in terms of opposites. The Italian participants were able to establish a richer set of alternative opposites for red wine than the Vietnamese participants. Australians are in an in-between position. The results are discussed in relation to some evident cross-cultural differences in wine understanding. The Implications of these results for international advertising of wine.


Christina Thuy Hang Truong
Student, Doctor Philosophy of Human Sciences, Unversity of Verona (Italy), Italy, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures