New Winegrowing Geographies : A Socio-anthropological Study on the Territory and the Creation of Value


In the XXI century, the wine industry is in a new phase, its production and consumption continue to expand and diversifies towards “non-traditional” countries such as China, Canada, India, Thailand, Ukraine, Russia, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, among others. These new wine geographies, despite the low representation and visibility at the national and international level, are introducing new actors in the global wine scene and they raise new questions for the socio-anthropological analysis of the value creation in the wine sector. The above ideas constitute the center of my Ph.D. work, a binational ethnographic analysis of two recently developed viticultural areas, Cananea, Sonora (Mexico), and Sonoita-Elgin, Arizona (USA), located on the northwest and southwest borders of both countries, respectively. After the ethnography work carried out since 2018, the preliminary results reveal, firstly that the globalization of wine agribusiness despite favoring the imitation of the hegemonic ideas (varieties, techniques, classification systems) and discourses (terroir, tradition, and identity) of the ‘old and new world’, does not cause its homogenization. Secondly, the factors that condition wine-growing activity and its specificity are not just geo-climatic, but relational and contextual which demonstrates the need to integrate socio-anthropological analysis of the creation of “value” for a well-aimed interpretation of the evolution of new wine geographies and its challenges.


Maria Del Carmen Salas Quesada
Postdoctoral Researcher, Interdisciplinary Food Studies, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH-UNAM), Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus–Making Sense from Taste: Quality, Context, Community


Value, Viticulture, New Wine Geographies, Ethnography