Microbiopolitics and Food Security: The Case of Serrano Cheese


Using as a guide the regulation process and geographical indication of Serrano artisan cheese, this paper aims to discuss the reasons why artisanal products lost space mainly during the twentieth century, debating the political, industrial, economic, hygienist, and security biases and food sovereignty that overcame the scenario of production and trade in the period. This article discusses the history and practices that made current hygienic standards so stringent and the motivations behind these standards, as well as the current scenario faced by Serrano artisan cheese, which may offer an overview of the problem faced by many other producers of other traditional cheeses that have not yet been able to overcome the barriers imposed by the legislation so that they can continue with their traditions.


Luiza Giordani
Student, Master of Arts, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Artisanal Production, Food Safety, Biopolitics, Economic Interests