Lessons Learned from Implementing a Food Bank on a University Campus


Food insecurity is the inability to access nutritious food on a regular basis. Regular access to food has been decreasing substantially in the United States in recent years. In 2018, 14.3 million households in the US experienced food insecurity. When examining college and university settings, it has been estimated that as many as 41% of students attending four-year colleges face food insecurity each year. Food banks have been developed in communities and on college campuses as an immediate support for those experiencing food insecurity. This study describes the lessons learned from developing a food pantry on a large, public university campus. The researchers aim to understand the process through semi-structured interviews with individuals engaged in developing the food bank. Stakeholders were interviewed and asked questions about the process of developing and implementing a food bank on campus. Questions included but were not limited to: “Please describe the impact this entire process had on you,” ;“What barriers did you encounter working within a state funded institution?” ; What advice would you give to others interested in developing a food pantry?” and “What resources did you find valuable in establishing the food pantry?” Questions about food bank utilization, source of donations and popularity of donated items are also included. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. Responses will be analyzed using Atlas.ti software to determine major themes. The findings of this research can help other university campuses develop and implement food pantries on their campuses.


Kathleen Gould
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Towson University, Maryland, United States

Nicole Libbey
Graduate Student, Towson University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Food Insecurity, College, Food Pantry, Qualitative Interviews