Cmparative Study of Concept of God and Gods in Abarahamic and Hindu Religions


The Hindu and Abrahamic religions consider themselves to be fundamentally different. Hindus are considered to be polytheistic while Abrahamic religions are considered to be monotheistic. We compare the theological constructs of the two sets of religions to delineate the areas of commonalities and differences. The Abbrahamic religions have One God or Allah beneath Whom there are Angels. The Hindu religion has the One Absolute Brahman beneath Whom are the Devtas. We make a comparative study to delineate the commonalities and differences between these concepts. We find that the basic two-level structure mentioned above is common, The difference is in the focus. The Abrahamic religions focus on the One God; while the Hindu religion focuses on the multiple Devtas. It is also explored how this difference in focus is perceived by the other religions.


Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Management, Uttaranchal, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


God, Allah, Brahman, Angels, Devtas