Trajectories of Gender Differences, Power and Spirituality in Contemporary Society: Africa Experiences


In contemporary time, the question of gender and gender differences has succeeded in generating a great deal of curiosity among scholars and researchers in various fields of study such the social sciences and the humanities. This is predicated on the reality that women have begun to assume some elevated status and responsibilities in the society. Constructively, in Africa, gender has previously been identified as a socio-religious location that impinges on the people spirituality and religiosity. This follows the perception that gendered beliefs influences and socializes the people to hold pre-existing beliefs about men and women, whether those beliefs are accurate or erroneous. Therefore, gender differences are to a large extent framed either as biological differences between male and female in the society or as a socially allocated roles and responsibilities by the society. Besides, there is paucity of empirical evidence and research regarding the biological differences that affects diverse other activities involving male and female in the society. This study examines the personality characteristics and behavioral patterns of women rather than biology as possible explanations for their lower status and achievements in the society. Even though, femaleness has been stereotyped in Africa as dependent, submissive and conforming, hence women have been seen as lacking in some qualities for management, headship and/or leadership, they still hold the ace in power and spirituality. The prevalence, therefore, of male bias in contemporary society is mirrored by the false conception of select few relating to command and/or control in some sphere of many societies.


Essien Essien
Associate Professor, Religious and Cultural Studies, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Spirituality, Women, Power, Gender differences, Religiosity, Social Roles, Responsibilities