Correlations between ESP and Chinese Buddhist Communities


The study addresses the connection between preaching actions and extrasensory perception (ESP) among three categories of members in Chinese Buddhist groups. It describes three religious groups’ perspectives on the subject matter of ESP, as well as how these perspectives are influenced by the developmental patterns of these groups. Firstly, those who have a stake in Buddhist groups that are sanctioned by the state have a mindset that acknowledges ESP but does not actively promote it. Additionally, Buddhist groups and associations that have a not quite legal status that acknowledge the significance of ESP and employ it to facilitate the spread of Buddhist doctrines. Lastly, there are groups and associates that are not accepted by the state administration for religious affairs that exaggerate the experience and function of ESP. The last groups and their members excessively amplify the significance and role of ESP, employing it for personal benefit and operating covertly.


Yuxin Zhao
Student, Phd Candidate, Lancaster University, Lancashire, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences