Sesión plenaria (en inglés): Tim Jensen

"Nature and the Climate Crisis: Why it Matters for Scholars of Religion"

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Tim Jensen, Adjunct Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez, Conference Chair, Full Professor, Director of the Institute of Religious Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain


Adjunct Professor, University of Southern Denmark; Honorarprofessor, Leibniz Universität, Hannover; President of the IAHR, the International Association for the History of Religions; Deputy Secretary General of CIPSH, International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences/Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines. Research Areas: Religion in the Hometic Epics; Religious Education (RE) in Public Schools, Didactics of a Study-of-Religion/s based RE, Study-of-Religion/s related Methodology and Theory; Human Rights & Religion, Law & Religion; State & Religion; Religion/s & Nature, Ecology and Climate Crisis; Religion in Public Debates and Media.


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