Modernity and Religion


The paper tries to link the concept of modernity to various religious phenomena. Modernity in the social sciences focuses on three sociostructural dimensions which, in their combination, one does not find in traditional, premodern societies. These are inclusion into the nation state, the top-down differentiation of the institutional spheres and widespread individuation. With the help of the above conceptual framework one can study in a systematic manner aspects of religiosity. For instance inclusion into the nation state, as far religion is concerned, leads to the inclusion of those in the periphery (local priests and believers) to the central national religious organization. In that sense it gradually undermines the dualism between elite and the popular religion. The former is characterized by scripturalism, and coherence of the theological doctrine. The latter is less “pure” since the popular religious tradition coexists with superstitions, magical or pagan elements. One can find similar interconnections between the other two features of modernity and religious development.


Nicos Mouzelis
Emiritus Professor, Sociology, London School of Economics, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Interdisciplinary Approaches