Religion and Human Rights Movements: What Agreement?


Since the dawn of time, there has always been disenchantment, a dichotomy between religion and the human rights movements. On the one hand, man wants to self-determination. On the other hand, religion proposes to man a way of being, of doing, of acting, in short, a code of conduct to keep. It is also noted that the disagreement between human rights movements and religion is rooted in human’s natural tendency to self-determination, to reject God logically and to use and abuse the freedom of religion’s choice that God offered. Yet, to look closely, religion and human rights are not contradictory if well interpreted. In fact, human rights should be inspired by the law of God when it is well translated by the user but also well interpreted and understood. Although this is not the case today. An agreement, a harmonization is possible if the human stays humble and takes inspiration from the law of its creator to blossom. In the absence of this attitude, any effort made by the human taking source outside the fundamental law (of God) is vain.


Victor Joseph Bella
Civil Servant, Cameroon, Economy and Regional Development


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Human Rights and Policy


Religion, Human Rights, God, Devil