Identifying the New Socio-religious Themes for Futuristic Christian-Muslim Interaction : An Analytical Study of the Courses on ‘Islam’ Taught to Christian Seminarians, Impacts and Suggestions


This study explores new dimensions of Christian-Muslim relations in the milieu of Asian Christians and Muslims. It is a curricular study of a National Christian theological institute of Pakistan which teaches five (5) credit courses of Islamic Studies as partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor in Theology. The paper starts by introducing the courses’ details while it mainly explores what theological themes of ‘Islamic Studies’ are focused generally and what is highlighted mainly. It further tries to explore the sources of teaching ‘Islam’ and what teaching methods are being adopted. To what extent the Church leaders are successful in achieving the goal of Christian-Muslim relations because her proclaimed objective of this is to explore common grounds to connect the adherents of both the religions. This practice produces new socio-religious topics. For the purpose of exploring socio-theological issues, Christian Teachers’ views also seem appropriate. At next step it deals with the talks of the Christian professors of ‘Islamic studies’. During responding to these queries some positive and negative impressions can be observed although our subject of study is to extract only dialogical elements. It can also unveil the academic flaws, pedagogical weaknesses and methodological errors which appear as hurdles in the way to harmonious interaction. By describing the problem clearly and posing its fair solution, the dream of peaceful co-existence may come true. The paper ends by identifying new avenues of interaction, socio-theological themes, and suggesting an innovative model for futuristic dialogue.


Raza Ul Habib Ahmad
Student, PhD, International Islamic University ,Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Culture and Education


Socio-religious Themes, Christian-Muslim Interaction, Courses on Islam