Liturgy and Academics!: The Contribution of the School of Theology of the University of Athens to the Work of the Special Synodical Committee for Liturgical Rebirth of the Church of Greece


In our paper, we make reference to the Special Synodical Committee for Liturgical Rebirth of the Church of Greece and its contribution to the request for the renewal of worship from its foundation up to our days. We emphasize the pleasant collaboration with the Greek academic community and especially with the Theological School of the University of Athens. Prominent liturgists and professors from the Theological School of Athens continuously participate in the committee’s work with original presentations at the conferences it organizes and publications, which contribute significantly to the renewal efforts, which actually began with the establishment of the committee by the blessed Archbishop Christodoulos in 1998. The various reactions that this whole initiative caused made evident the difficulty of a precise theological delimitation of the term Liturgical renewal and what it entails for the liturgical life of the Church today. The purpose of our study is to demonstrate the contribution of the academic community and particularly of the Theological School of Athens to the renewal liturgical movement of the Greek Church, and the attempt to define the renewal of worship through the liturgical tradition of Orthodoxy.


Fotios Apostolos
Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece