John Paul II on the Spirituality of Youth


The study examines the integration of St John Paul Spirituality in the existing Youth Ministry Program of the Diocese as well as the youth ministry programs implemented by the vicariates The following were also explored in this study: the elements of the core spirituality as reflected in his catechesis during the World youth Day celebration, lived experience of the youth in the light of St. John Paul’s II spirituality including the issues and concerns related to the sustainability of the youth ministry. Using the Documentary Analysis, the following are the five elements of JP II: Witnessing faith, Valuing Humanities, Fostering Unity, and Aspiring Happiness. The survey method reveals that the top three youth ministry programs implemented in the different vicariates are Parish Youth Program, Diocesan Youth Day and Diocesan Youth Assembly. The most common issues and concerns related to the sustainability of the youth ministry include the problem of commitment (33%) and the relationship with others (32%). Through FGD, the lived experiences of the youth are characterized by the following themes such as respect for self and others, service in the church and community, family as pillar of faith, prayer as source of strength and courage, school as a means of formation, and problems encountered in life. The result of the study implies that through the implemented youth ministry programs it becomes an opportunity for the youth to grow in terms of their knowledge, relationship and commitment with the Lord. These programs have also offered venues for self-discovery and self-development.


Lorna Lagumbay
Student, Doctor of Philosophy - Religious Studies, University of St . La Salle, Negros Occidental, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Spirituality, Self-Development, Youth Ministry, Lived Experience, St. John Paul II