The Religious Structure of Chavismo: A Psychoanalytic Take on Contemporary Populism


This paper attempts a presentation of what I claim is the religious structure of chavismo, the ideology based on the government style of the deceased Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. To be more precise, it intends to describe what I understand to be the core structure of the dynamics of chavismo both in religious and in what Freud called “pre-religious” terms; that is, I present its “unwritten code of law”, to use Wundt’s own definition of taboo. To do so, I focus on what chavismo considers sacred and “unclean” objects in general, may them be ideological, material, or historical - that is, events considered as foundational and, hence, either revered or abhorred, or both.


Daniel Esparza
Associate Professor, Observatori Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain