Daven - Examining Embodied Exploration and Choreographic Collaboration as a Model of Interfaith Engagement


This interactive workshop examines choreographic collaboration and embodied experience as a model for interfaith engagement. The workshop draws on methods of a recent interfaith performance project that paired contemporary dance artists with college dance students. The aim was to create dance solos that explore how the body manifests and responds to religious ritual and its many associations. Presenters from one such pairing reflect on the 10-hour rehearsal process, and share insights about verbal/non-verbal communication, kinesthetic empathy, embodied knowledge, and the value of shared creative expression as tools for interfaith engagement. Theories of movement analysis and cultural frameworks for dance research will be discussed. Participants will also be guided through accessible movement activities (no experience necessary) as well as view a live performance of Daven, one of the solos resulting from the project.


Marin Roper
Assistant Professor, Dance, Brigham Young University, Utah, United States

Jordan Halterman
Student, BA in Dance Education, Brigham Young University, Utah, United States

Erik Stern
Professor, Performing Arts, Weber State University, Utah, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Interdisciplinary Approaches


Creativity, Collaboration, Dance, Movement, Interfaith