Teaching as a Prophetic Profession: Exploring Teacher’s Views in Five Schools Pakistan


In Pakistan, religion plays a fundamental role and is heavily involved in the politics, media, culture as well educational discourse in the country. Previous research has focused on how state sponsored textbooks and curriculum play an instrumental role in purporting the dominant religious narrative of the state. Yet, there is limited research on the role of religion in the classrooms, on teachers’ voices and on the involvement of religion in the daily atmosphere of the schools. This study attempts to fill this gap by investigating and exploring the role of religion in everyday schooling in Pakistan by focusing on teachers pedagogical choices in the classrooms and the role religion plays in their teaching. The paper shows how teachers perceive the profession of teaching as a sign of divine calling- based on using teaching to foster the divine message in the students.


Laraib Niaz
Post Doctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Culture and Education


Religion, Divine Calling, Classrooms, Teachers, Education, Pedagogy