The Two Religions of Bali


An ethnographic and scriptural study of the version of Hinduism in Bali reveals two parallel worlds of religious expression that are simultaneously practiced. The Śaivite sect remains at the root of their faith and belief, but their customs and rituals do not directly interfere with the Indian gods. Instead, ancestral spirits, village guardians, and demoniac entities are of more concern. This paper describes the contemporary religious phenomena of the Balinese and attempts to dissect what elements are indigenous to the archipelago and what is conserved from the Hindu Vedic traditions.


Ravinjay Kuckreja
Student, PhD, Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa, Bali, Indonesia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Balinese Hinduism, Hinduism, Cultural Studies, Anthropology of Religion