A Moral Life is the True Religious Life : An Exploration of a Well-controlled and Disciplined Mind


Every religion essentially preaches morality. This is the greatest common denominator of all religions. A moral life is a life where one abstains from all such actions, physical or vocal, which disturb the peace and harmony of other beings. A moral life is always free from negatives such as anger, hatred, ill-will, and animosity. A moral life is the true religious life where one lives in peace and harmony within oneself and generates nothing but peace and harmony towards others. A true religious life is an “art of living,” a moral code of conduct, and a happy harmonious healthy and wholesome life. A true religious life is always good for oneself, good for others, and good for the entire human society. A true religious person is a pious person, a person with moral life, a person with a well-controlled and disciplined mind. A person with a pure heart always bubbling with love and compassion. A true religious person is an invaluable jewel of the human society. Such a true religious person can be from any country, community, any color, any sex, rich or poor, educated or uneducated. Every human being is capable of becoming a true religious person. Living a life of morality with a well controlled, disciplined mind and with a pure heart full of love and compassion is not the monopoly of any one religion. It is for all. It transcends all sectarian barriers. It is always nonsectarian. It is always universal. It is always generic.


Sunil Chakma
Abbot, Meditation, Maitree Buddha Vihar, Madhya Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Morality, Wholesome, Compassion, Peaceful, Goodwill