An Analytical Framework of Buddhist Leadership for Nonviolence in Contemporary Society


This research is an analytical framework of Buddhist Leadership for Nonviolence in Contemporary Society. The methodology used on leadership theories to development and focus the nonviolence leadership in societies through the honesty, morality and virtual, freedom for speech of religious leadership without violence. In these facts following objects are expected to discuss, ⅰ) to study leadership for nonviolence in Buddhist Scriptures, ⅱ) to study framework of nonviolence leaders in contemporary society ⅲ) to apply framework of Buddhist Leaderships for Nonviolence in Contemporary Society. Nonviolence leadership is needed society today due to: injustice, lack of liberality, against prejudices and insulting. Buddhism was secular for development to human beings and living beings without gender discrimination and interfered others religion activities, if not harmful to human being and living beings. Buddhism always supports to develop of humanity without any kind of persecution activities. Buddha’s teachings always encourage for leaderships for in nonviolence in contemporary society with morality, education and technically, political development through peaceful and calmness also spiritually mindful meditation system. The mindful mediation is growing in western countries and now going to Africa too. The researcher suggests the field of related topics for further research.


Pradip Barua
Ph.D., Buddhist Studies, Mahachulalongkorn University, Wat Thapakorn Buddhist Monastery, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], Thailand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Framework: Framework means a process or legal or socially accepted constitution that allows somethings to be carried or to be maintained. In particularly. It refers to a set of principles that will enable a Buddhist society to function properly