Conversion and Gratitude in/to Love: Bernard of Clairvaux’ Community-building Spirituality


Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153 CE) stands as one of the foremost representatives of medieval monasticism and mysticism. The famed abbot of Clairvaux’ charismatic personality and leadership significantly contributed to the extraordinary growth of the emerging Cistercian order. Desiring to retrieve the spirit of the Rule of Benedict, Bernard promoted a way of life grounded in complete dedication to contemplation, accomplished by means of self-discipline. The proposed presentation will argue that for Bernard the hallmark of spiritual life and progress lies in the persistent ability to perceive and acknowledge the active presence of the divine in one’s life and world. Incorporating the dual-movement of self-examination and gratitude toward God, the monastic life as conceived by Bernard of Clairvaux invites to lifelong ongoing conversion. Spiritual growth takes the form of a journey from grace to grace, where the human community is led to experience and offer a free response to transformational love. Personal involvement with the God revealed in Jesus Christ radically alters the shape and meaning of human existence, progressively turned into an unceasing song of praise. The lifelong chanting, meditation and savoring of the Psalms, which form the core of the Liturgy of Hours, itself central to monastic life, contribute to building a human community united in prayer before God. Personal intimacy with God nurtured in community empowers for public witness and service. Such a spirituality of communion in humble contemplation speaks to 21st century Westerners desiring to share with others their longing for authentic living and the transcendent.


Jean-Pierre Fortin
Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of St. Michael's College, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Bernard of Clairvaux, Monastic Formation, Contemplation, Conversion, Community-Building