Interfaith Dialogue and Regenerating the Public Square


This paper focuses on how interreligious (or interfaith) dialogue is a crucial component in establishing a robust and pluralist public square (or sphere). Building on my work in Jewish-Christian dialogue (as the Irish Co-Chair of Christians and Jews) and atheist-theist dialogue (Seeking Common Ground, 2021), and my role as the Director of Ireland’s only academic centre focused on interreligious dialogue, I examine why and how such dialogues and partnerships can contribute to healing both the stigma and perceived reality of a toxic public square, often characterised by group conflicts and echo-chambers. Charting the deeply encouraging changes in Jewish-Christian relations since the Shoah (focusing on texts like the 10 points of Seelisberg, Nostra Aetate, “Dabru Emet,” and “The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable,” I show how groups that had once seemed like bitter enemies have made deep and lasting strides in partnership, mutual trust, and stronger theological and social connections. Less heralded, but also promising, are the growing developments of atheist and humanist voices involved in interfaith dialogue from local to international platforms. Here I focus on the work of humanists in Ireland involved in the Dublin City Interfaith Forum and my co-written book on theist-atheist shared values with atheist philosopher, Andrew Fiala. Drawing upon these overlapping but distinct dialogues, I highlight five values that these dialogues hone and develop which can help regenerate and heal the kinds of ruptures that fracture our public square.


Peter Admirand
Associate Professor, Research Convenor, Director of Centre for Interreligious Dialogue, Theology, Philosophy, and Music, Dublin City University, Ireland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Interfaith Dialogue, Pluralism, Public Square, Humility