Jesus in Jail: Finding the "True" Incarcerated Christ


It is not a new storyline, “I found religion in prison”….”Jail helped me find God”. Almost every religion practiced by humans has a form of outreach to those members of their religious community who become incarcerated…whether its “Jesus in jail”, “Buddha in the big house” or ANY “Deity in Detention”, religion is often “found” when we are in trouble. However, rates of recidivism world wide do not reflect the many statements of faith that are often professed. This study looks at the behaviors, psychology and environmental factors that create these personal religious revivals. The presenters take a culturally pluralistic phenomenological approach to understanding the the difference between the “true believers” and the truth behind “belief”.


Kori Novak
CEO, The Asterisk Group, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Narratives and Identity


Prison, Jail, Spirituality, Finding Religion