Imagination - the Spiritual Key to Self-actualization: The Dynamics of Thought in the Heart of Humankind; the Potential Exponential


As the human fingerprint is unique to all, the images created in one’s mind have the power to bring forth one’s full potential. In this paper, the objectives are to understand the dynamics and possibilities of imagination through the spiritual lens in the life of humankind. In a world that is quickly spiraling out of control – with suicide at an all-time high, voices from without bombarding the mind and heart - parents, educators, leaders, and most importantly individuals, must take hold of this God-given key and unlock the door to their divine purpose. This paper is directed to those who have an ear to hear what the Bible has written in regards to man becoming his best version for the glory of his Creator. The methods used to collate this material are from literature reviews, textual analysis, and critical reappraisal. The work undertaken is from artifact analysis and theoretical reconceptualization. From this paper, it is understood that as a person thinketh so they are, and therefore, the possibility of self-actualization is just an image away in becoming reality. In conclusion, finding ones full potential begins in the heart through the power of imagination.


Coralee Prutzman
ESOL contact/teacher, ESOL , Palm Beach School District, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Culture and Education


Imagination, Self-Actualization, Spiritual, Heart, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Bible, God, Maslow