Jesus, He Knows Me: Religion, Commerce, and Media


The decrease in religious practice and its relation with the criteria of industrial society are exacerbated by the digital and the mass media era, which Pope Francis has called the “technocatic paradigm.” The feeling of scam is growing even among believers. The notion of holiness is separated from religious leaders. It is necessary to return to the definition of religion and the role of inner freedom in the search for meaning. And greater social - legal? - control is needed at a global level on what is religion and what is not. Considering that it is a Human Right, consecrated and recognized, it should be a concern of all, even non-believers.


Pablo Gastón Maillet
Assistant Professor, Humanities, Gabriela Mistral University, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Interdisciplinary Approaches


Religious values, Ethic, Human Rights, Media, Leadership, Politics