Jesus Came Back and He Looked Like a Hippie: The Jesus People Movement (1970s) Reimagines Jesus Christ


This is an examination of the Jesus People Movement (JPM) reimagining of Jesus as a hippie and countercultural icon. It describes the restorationist spirit that permeated the movement. Previous generations had lost or abandoned the true Gospel to a preoccupation with consumerism and political power. The JPM’s response was to sally forth with an attempt to restore Christianity to the ideal they believed Jesus had intended for it.


Benjamin Williamson
Associate Professor of Theology, Theology and Ministry, Ohio Christian University, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Sixties, Culture, Counterculture, Religious Expression, Jesus, Hippie, Religious Imagination