At the Intersection of Queerness and Religion in the Bible Belt: Christianity as Hyper-marginalization for LGBTQIA+ Community


Growing up in the Bible Belt (an extremely conservative area of the United States), specifically in the state of Oklahoma, carries with it an air of menace for youth and adults that fall under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. Even today, in the aftermath of marriage equality, the Midwest is still stagnant in terms of progression. This immobility is coddled by the overwhelming number of Christian-affiliated spaces (churches, restaurants, boutiques), rhetoric, motifs, and paraphernalia packed into square footage. Not only do these items take up spaces of their own and give a sense of overcrowding to those marginalized by them, they intentionally creep out into LGBTQ+ spaces like Pride via protests or acts of saviorism. On an average day, even just a trip to one’s neighborhood grocery store, one can pass more than five churches. This does not include bumper stickers, advertisements, salutations that one will undoubtedly come into contact with before, during, and/or after. Though these occurrences may not be intentionally aggressive or threatening (quite often they are), they carry with them the same abusive connotations that the majority of LGBTQ+ individuals in the Midwest endure. Religious motivations are often at the root of the vilification of openly queer individuals. The overwhelming nature of Christian institutions and teachings causes heightened detrimental effects on the mental health of an already ostracized, minoritized community. This research interrogates and uncovers the aforementioned issues through written word, photographs, and localized maps.


Merrick Sloane
Student, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Central Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Narratives and Identity


Intersectionality, Gender, Queer, Religion, Identity, LGBTQIA, Christianity, Diversity, US