The Practice of Religious Moderation Based on Theoanthropocentric in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools: A Phenomenological Study


Religious moderation is an important value in the life of modern society. This study describes the practice and implications of religious moderation in Indonesian Islamic boarding schools based on theoanthropocentric values. This research is qualitative field research with a phenomenological approach. The source of the research data is Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia and taken by representatives of the regions of East Java and Southeast Sulawesi as one of the largest Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The research participants were 12 people including the leaders of the pesantren, the caretakers of the pesantren, and the students of two major Islamic boarding schools in East Java. Data collection was done by interview technique. The data analyst follows a procedure that begins with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.


Umiarso Umiarso
Lecturer, Islamic Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Culture and Education


Religious Moderation, Pesantren, Theoanthropocentrism, Radicalism, Tolerance