Food Evangelism on the Street : Hare Krishnas and Seventh-day Adventists in Action


The Hare Krishna and the Seventh-day Adventist movements are two among the few religious communities who take their messages to the street through community outreach. Both organisations commit to food-related evangelising in the form of exhibitions, cooking classes, literature distribution and food sharing. My presentation has two aims. 1. Compare the approaches to health and outreach methods in the two organisations. 2. Establish links between food evangelising practices and current trends and needs in contemporary society. The main questions to investigate: How does food evangelising in the Hare Krishna and Seventh-day Adventist movements relate to issues of individual and planetary health and well-being? What are the enabling and disabling factors for wider impact?


Tamas Lestar
Senior Lecturer, Responsible Management and Leadership, University of Winchester, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Interdisciplinary Approaches


Vegetarian, Vegan, Health, Outreach, Mission