Hieratic Communication Embodied in Art: A Consideration of the Transubstantiative Symbolism in Silver Age Art


Influenced by David Nikkel’s theory of embodiment, Pavel Florensky’s analysis of art, and Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic phenomenology, I discuss the artistic and spiritual beliefs of the luminaries of the Silver Age cultural system in Russia. Although their spiritual influences were far and wide, I argue that Eastern Orthodoxy was their base. Utilizing a number of examples of their artwork, I discuss how their compositions represent an embodied, hermeneutic conversation about henosis . That is, hieratic, ritualized communication embodied in art, the latter of which was believed to have transubstantiation qualities. One subtheme addresses the difference between reason and the religious experience of gnosis, i.e. knowing. Another subtheme is the artist as prophet, and art as a sacred signpost of God’s word.


Sally Stocksdale
Instructor, History, Towson University, Maryland, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Culture and Education


Russian Art History; Russian Religious History; Hieratic Art; Russian Spirituality