Paranormal Trauma: Therapeutic Demonology and the Science of Spirit Release Therapy


This study examines the rise of what I call ‘therapeutic demonology’ or the contemporary science of spirit release therapy as indicative of the spiritualization of late modernity. Typically known as ‘exorcism’ based on a religious framework, this paper discusses the significance of the rise of scientific approaches to spirit possession, infestations, attachments, and harassment in efforts to help those traumatized by paranormal or supernatural forces and entities. The research highlights and focuses on the development of scientific demonology – the theories, methods, and case studies that conceptualize, operationalize, and practice certain techniques to drive out demons or other negative entities. Conceived as an epistemological and ontological postmaterialism, the paper provides a short history of the science of spirit possession according to spirit release scholars and practitioners. Addressing ethereal or astral attacks as “paranormal trauma,” the paper highlights the ways in which the science of demonic possession is increasingly providing an alternative approach to mainstream therapeutic modalities that view demons as purely metaphorical rather than metaphysical and actual problems. The emergence of therapeutic demonology is viewed as contributing to the growth of a popular theology or eschatological paradigm shift that is best understood as a convergence of science and spirituality instead of incommensurable and opposing fields.


Heidi Rimke
Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Religion in the Public Sphere: From the Ancient Years to the Post-Modern Era


Demonology, Possession, Spiritualization, Paranormal Trauma, Spirit Release Therapy, Postmaterialism