The Natural World as Unscripted Sacred Text: When Faith and Rocks Come Together


The natural world predates the most ancient recorded sacred texts. The writings of Julian Tenison Woods and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin offer an example of reading nature from the dual standpoint of science and religious faith, and suggest practices for the retrieval of a religious reading of unscripted texts. This paper draws support from philosophical approaches such as phenomenological hermeneutics, new materialism, and queer ecology. Nature theology, incarnational theology, and animism, for example, give credence to deriving religious and spiritual meaning and interpretation through engagement with the innumerable volumes of unpublished works which surround us. My study draws on my research and 2022 dissertation, When Rocks and Faith Come Together: A Metapraxis of Julian Tenison Woods and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


Mary Ann Casanova
Student, Doctor of Philosophy and Religion, California Institute of Integral Studies, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Foundations


Cosmology, Queer Ecology, Teilhard de Chardin, Phenomenological Hermeneutics