The Buddhist Thought of Human Well-being to Establish Global Peace and Harmony


In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency of religious extremism, cultural conflicts, deprivation of biodiversity, as well as climate change. This, apparently, tends to emphasise a remarkable issue with regards to human well-being and industrial globalisation in the twenty-first century. Here the particular term of well-being certainly denotes the state of being safe, healthy, well, and happy in terms of mental and physical welfare. Therefore, this prospective study was designed to investigate to what extent Buddhist attitudes of human well-being could facilitate establishing global peace and harmony; then, by employing the qualitative mode of inquiry, I attempt to illuminate a few most substantial findings in this regard: compassion, sympathy or kindness, empathetic-joy, equanimity along with wisdom. In addition, this work will generate fresh foresight to sublime states of mind that are often related with human cognitive control, self-regulation, sensory awareness together with self-understanding. Indeed, it seems that even if one individual were to fail to realise the universal values of human life and natural environment, it could necessarily affect planetary well-being. Then, it is likely that Buddhist concepts of well-being are constantly associated with global peace and harmony. However, due to practical constraints, this paper cannot provide a comprehensive review of all the other Buddhist teachings and perspectives. There is, therefore, a definite need for exploring more pragmatic approaches to planetary peace and harmony from the Buddhist viewpoint in the twenty-first century.


Samitharathana Wadigala
Student, MA, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Traveling Texts: From Traditions to Religions


Compassion, Sympathy, Empathetic-joy, Equanimity, Wisdom