Influence of Epidemic Prevention Media and Religious Beliefs on the Behavioral Intention of Participating in Postponed Matsu Pilgrimage Procession: A Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective


This study explores the impact of the postponement of the Matsu Pilgrimage Procession on the public from the perspective of the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The main purpose of this study is to understand the behavioral intention of Taiwanese people to participate in the postponed activity. Since the COVID-19 epidemic is a global disaster, various media broadcast related news and advertisements as well as spreading epidemic prevention measures at high frequency, hoping to make full use of their influences to equip the public with necessary knowledge of epidemic prevention and to minimize the harm of the pandemic. In addition, the religious beliefs have been deeply rooted in the hearts of Taiwanese for a long time. Religious devotion and expectations also have the power to calm people who are faced with social chaos, which may motivate them to participate in religious activities. In view of this, this study explored two factors, namely the influence of epidemic prevention media and the religious beliefs of people, researching into the similarities and differences in the influence of these two factors on the behavioral intention of participating in the postponed Matsu Pilgrimage Procession. This way, it is hoped to find out whether the postponement of Matsu Pilgrimage Procession caused by the coronavirus pandemic has had any impact on the public, understanding people’s different attitudes based on quantitative statistics, which can provide suggestions for organizing the activity after the epidemic is under control.


Wei Ting Shen
Ph.D. Student, College of Sports and Recreation, Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management, National Taiwan Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Matsu Pilgrimage Procession,religious belief,influence of epidemic prevention media,theory of planned