Interfaith Dialogue in Limbo: How Can Tradition Work against Religious Purposes?


When speaking about the dialogue we always start looking for methods of presenting the best content of our speech. Approaching another one through dialogue does not seem to care much about the will or the desire of accepting the otherness for dialogue since this is the basis of the binary formula of the dialogue. Yet, in the case of religious dialogue, the things are not at all so clear, or proactive; instead, this usually makes the central issue with the interreligious dialogue. However, when, in the end, we manage to put together two or more religious representatives for dialogue the most intriguing aspect of the dialogue stresses less on its content and aspects to be put under the attention of the participants, and more on the issue of accepting, tolerating all others’ traditions through this dialogue. Nervousness, anxiety, discomfort, and squirm are the habitual and, even more shocking, the “expected” features in interfaith dialogue. Well, if this is the main problem in interfaith, being able to bring tolerance in this “toxic” environment, then this would be a step forward one would say. Still, ‘tolerance’ is not the perfect tool for interreligious dialogue on various motifs that we will discover while reading this paper. However, the content we all participants in interfaith dialogue bring along, our particular traditions, are to blame for this challenge? Can they help us build the bridge or, on the contrary, they put interfaith in a limbo state, waiting for a redeemer?


Tudor Cosmin Ciocan
Lecturer, Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Constanta, Romania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Interfaith, Tolerance, Acceptance, Dialogue, Challenges, Conflict, Conviction, Liberal, Pluralism, Reconciliation