Our Doors Are Open: Welcoming People with Disabilities in Places of Worship


More and more, new voices are challenging old approaches to understanding and explaining accessibility and inclusion. To truly empower people with disabilities to become agents of positive change in their local communities, our research team recognizes that everyone has a role to play. Our Doors Are Open helps all faith communities to understand how to open their mind, hearts, and doors to people with all kinds of abilities. Accessibility is much more than the built environment; it is essential to include it in the things we do inside and outside our places of worship. Many communities think about accessibility and making changes, but the implementation is not easy. Our Doors Are Open offers guidance and support to faith communities providing an easy way to 1) Engage community members in understanding inclusion and accessibility, 2) Enable community members with and without disabilities to participate, and 3) Develop accessible communication in your community outreach. Finally, Our Doors are Open offers a series of clear and straightforward suggestions to promote inclusive thinking in any faith community.


David Pereyra
Senior Project Coordinator, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Religious Community and Socialization


Inclusion, Accessibility, Communities, Participation, Leadership