A Common Foundation for Major World Religions : A Grand Unifying Theory of the Universe and Life


This study emphasizes the very common foundation of all religious traditions like Monotheism, Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism. One single, cohesive table provides an overview of such a unifying foundation - consistent with physics, philosophies and religions. The table starts with the fundamental building blocks of the Universe (e.g., substance and space) and life (e.g., consciousness) according to physics and philosophy. Then, fitted perfectly in the table are terms and concepts in Christianity (e.g., God, the Holy Father, Ghost, the Holy Spirit, Godhead, the Lord, the tree of knowledge, the original sin, God’s grace, and the tree of life), terms and concepts in Buddhism (e.g., Buddha, Buddha spirit, Buddha head, Xiang, appearances, Ye, Karma, Fa, and Prajna Paramita), terms and concepts in Taoism (e.g., Dao, the way, Da Dao, the big way, Chang Dao, the eternal way, You Ming, the named, Wu Ming, the nameless, Chang Ming, and the eternal name), and terms and concepts in Hinduism (e.g., Brahman, Krishna, Vrittis, the self, Nama-rupa, the Outer World, Maya, the Inner World, Samadhi, Advaita, non-duality, Ekam eva, and the One). Humanity will live in peace and harmony only when the barriers amongst science, philosophies and religions are removed and replaced with a shared understanding of the Universe and life. For thousands of years, human beings merely created different names or labels for the exactly same few things that exist in the Universe and life.


Shih Jen Edward Lee
Founder, NERRI, Inc. (New Era Religion Research Institute, Inc.), Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Monotheism, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Physics, Universe, Philosophy, Life, Consciousness