Religious aspects of capitalism: Spiritual challenges of mangement


The study begins with the definition of spirituality and considers current academic discussions and reflection of the concept of spirituality as a starting point for the development of spiritual intelligence today in the decision-making process. The applied part of the contribution considers identification and proof of spiritual factors during the structured interviews with the group of 25 selected leading persons with special responsibilities in organizations. The qualitative research identifies the spiritual aspects, describes them, and interprets participants’ personal and cultural contexts during semi-structural interviews combined with a special questionnaire. The principal methodology used comes from Meezenbroek, Garssen, Berg, Dierendonck, Visser, and Schaufeli (2012): The critical valuation distinguishes between positive and negative spiritual factors in the active daily decision-making process. Results include: Identification and interpretation of crucial spiritual factors in a group of interviewed personalities, comparison of essential definitions of spirituality with other researches, assessment in the context of the concrete framework of society, personal development, education for spiritual intelligence, pastoral treatment, and solutions of daily challenges in management praxis. The investigation indicates that the original identification of spiritual factors in human thinking enables to specify general “non-religious spirituality” among personalities challenged by social responsibilities. In the past, there were neglected the spiritual factors for the development of complex human intelligence for decision-making proves and behavior, which the investigation identifies, such as the cognition of meaning of life, work, values and long-term orientation, as well as the learning to overcome personal crises in the turbulent world today.


Dušan Kučera
Head of Center for Business Ethics, Assistant Professor, Management, Prague University of Economics and Business, Praha, hlavní mesto, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


The Politics of Religion


Spirituality, Values, Meaning of life and work, Ethics