Meditation for Peaceful World: A Fresh Mind Can Bring the Peace on Earth


Nothing happens without a cause.Sometimes our limited senses and intellects cannot clearly find it, but that does not mean that there is no cause. In order to find out the world peace we must explore this cause also. Every human is conditioned to assume that the real world is outside, that the way to live life is by contact with an external reality, by seeking input, physical and mental, from without. Most of us have never considered severing outward contacts in order to see what happens inside. It is never elsewhere, it is always here and now. By exploring the here-and-now of ourselves we can explore the world. Unless we investigate the world within we can never know reality—we will only know our beliefs about it, or our intellectual conceptions of it. By observing ourselves, however, we can come to know reality directly and can learn to deal with it in a positive, creative way. One method of exploring the inner world is Scientific Meditation This is a practical way to examine the reality of one’s own body and mind, to uncover and solve whatever problems lie hidden there, to develop unused potential, and to channel it for one’s own good and the good of others. Then possible to maintain a real peaceful world. The sustainable peace of the world can be gained by actual practice of pure non-sectarian meditation by direct own experience of peace inside not mere discussion. Meditation has enormous potential to eradicate defilement at the root level.


Sunil Chakma
Abbot, Meditation, Maitree Buddha Vihar, Madhya Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Religious Community and Socialization