Web Platform for Dialogue: A Journey from Tradition to Religious Development


In long run the web platform will lead towards a society of peace and co-existence without any hate speech and sharing common issues. COVID 19 will direct the humanity into ‘ONENESS’ and that will bring back the solidarity in any conflict area with the platform for next generation with long tern effect of peaceful society from local to national, from national to international level. In the COVID 19 pandemic, it is a high prerequisite to launch web site and series of webinars to make the appropriate use of home isolation of the youth and other researchers and academicians. More and more information with the expert opinions and round table discussions will make the useful dialogue with different ideologies and create impact to overcome the conflict “in and out”. Issues related with the empowerment of women and its challenges can be addressed throughout with this online platform. How can we consider a healthy balance between work and life? Maximum number of youth/ students/ academicians from India and abroad will benefited out of these online sessions. From different religious and cultural faith pupil are self-activated with the webplatform4dialogue program.


Swati Chakraborty
Assistant Professor, Institute of Legal Studies and Research, GLA University, West Bengal, India


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Religious Community and Socialization


Religion, IRD, Human rights, Community, Development