The Historical Jesus in Response to Bureaucracy: Hans Kung’s Theological Method of Correlation in Modernity


A shift from the classical worldview to modernity illustrates a change of starting point in understanding things in the world. From a classical perspective that emphasizes universal truth and transcendental reality to modernity that emphasizes individual critical thinking as the starting point. An approach to modernity emphasizes on the ability of human reasoning towards the path of understanding. Hans Kung’s method of correlation is an example of a modern approach. It is a methodology in which two poles, or two sources of human experiences, are addressed or the association between them is examined. This paper uses historical research on Jesus, and by using prior knowledge about Jesus, the method of correlation suggests seeing Jesus in a different context or perspective. It means viewing Jesus through new experiences of the people or the existing social construct of bureaucracy in modern times. Reconnecting to historical Jesus, his teachings, and examples on equality and fairness can be a great help in response to the challenges brought by bureaucracy. As a result, the relevance of Jesus is demonstrated by applying His teachings in the context of bureaucracy in modern times.


Simon Peter Balanquit
Student, Master of Arts in Applied Theology, De La Salle University - Manila, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Historical Jesus, Modernity, Correlation, Bureaucracy, Equality