Devotional Literature and Songs of Worship as Complementary Texts for the Ismaili Muslim Community


The Qur’an is the primary foundational text of Islam. It is supported by practices and sayings (Sunnah & Hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad. These form the basis for various schools of thought, law and theology that have developed within Islam over time since the passing of the Prophet. In addition, for the Shi’a branch of Islam over history, these have been supplemented by the discourse of the Imams as well as leaders of the different communities and traditions. This paper takes specific examples of devotional songs of the Ismaili community, to explore their function as complementary texts, in supplementing the foundational texts and differentiating this tradition from others by providing a basis for specific rituals, practices as well as used as pedagogical tools in religious education. It explores how these devotional songs are used to recall specific religious histories, celebrate religious events and convey teachings based on the foundational texts. Amongst the Shi’a, the Shi’a Imami Nizari Ismailis (Ismailis for short), are the second largest Shi’a community, led by their 49th Imam, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, the hereditary Imam in direct lineal descent from the Prophet Muhammad. The Ismailis have historically spread over North Africa, the Middle East, Persia, Central Asia and South Asia. As a result, religious education, different rituals and congregational practices were conducted in the vernacular, and adapted to local cultures. With this, a broad corpus of devotional songs developed in these regions, becoming a body of complementary texts for the community.


Fahim Dhalla
Teacher/Director, Ismaili Bai tul ilm , Switzerland

Arif Babul
University Distinguished Professor, Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Shaheeza Lalani


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Islam, Muslim, Quran, Ismaili, Religion, Education, Devotional, Songs, Worship