Police Chaplains Standing in the Crossroads Between the Community and Government


Police Chaplains provide vital services to police departments and the communities in which they serve. This paper examines the roles of Chaplains, ordained by various religious traditions and representing the diversity of the community, as spiritual and ethical mentors within police departments and as advocates for communities and their members. The paper begins with a review of pertinent literature on police chaplaincy and community policing programs. It then explores how Chaplains serve as transformational leaders – moral and ethical role models for officers, participating in welfare and morale programs for the officers and their families, and working as trusted mediators and advocates for the public. All of which allow Chaplains to affect change in the department and the community. Chaplains can have a transformational effect on members of the police department affecting the morale and wellbeing of those members and representing the outsider culture within the department - bridging relations between officers and members of the community being served. The paper concludes with recommendations on how Chaplains can make a positive contribution not only to the culture of the police department but also to the relationship the department has with the community it serves.


James Farnsworth
Student, PhD Candidate Organizational Leadership, Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Politics of Religion


Police Chaplains, Community Policing, Transformational Leadership