The Charter of the New Alliance of Virtue: A New Way to Peace


On February 2018, over 200 individuals from the three Abrahamic faiths and others religious leaders and senior politicians gathered in Washington to relaunch the Alliance of Virtue between religions. The New Alliance of Virtue follows the model of the original one. It seeks to bring together those of good-will for the good of humanity. It is an effort across religions, despite their differences. The New Alliance of Virtue is founded upon the principles espoused in the Marrakesh Declaration on the Rights of Religious Minorities in Muslim Majority lands. On this basis, in December 2019 was signed the New Alliance of Virtue Charter in Abu Dhabi. The promoter of this new deal was the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim societies, and especially his leader Shaykh ‘Abdallah Bin Bayyah chairman of the United Arab Emirates Fatwa Council and President of the Forum. The Charter is built upon human dignity, freedom conscience and religion or belief, tolerance, justice, peace and solidarity. The paper aims to demonstrate how the Charter of the New Alliance of Virtue constitute an important effort to preserve religious freedom. In effect, this document show the importance of building a new relationship by law and religion, built upon international law and resolution of United Nations. In this way, all religious norms come down in legal system to be observed and protected also by state order. It is born, therefore, a new effective protection of religious freedom, that it is really based on tolerance and respect.


Antonio Fuccillo
Professor, Department of Law, Università della Campania, IT, Italy

Francesco Sorvillo
Research fellow, Department of law, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" , Caserta, Italy

Ludovica Decimo
Professor on Contract, Law, Università degli Studi della Campania, Caserta, Italy

Miriam Abu Salem
Researcher, Department of Law, Università della Campania, Agrigento, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Religious Freedom, Religious Cooperation, Peace, Religious minorities