Lights and Shadows of Virtual Teaching: Teaching Faith Online


The Catholic school forms part of the saving mission of the Church, especially for education in the faith. Catholic schools by their missionary nature are devoted to evangelize through religious education. Thus, a teacher of faith is a “shepherd” of his/her students. S/he best communicates through his/her own life. The objective of religious education is far different from other disciplines as it involves the proclamation of Jesus Christ which is best taught not through the head but through the heart. The expression of faith is through a holistic approach of doctrine, morals, and worship and is modeled after “shepherding”. The paper focused on the lights and shadows, the lived experiences of basic education teachers in a Catholic School in Manila, Philippines during this pandemic. Since March of 2020, schools in Manila, Philippines hold online classes. The study aims to describe the subjective well-being of religious educators in an online teaching set-up, to ascertain the dealings of shepherding in an online modality, and most importantly, reveal the joys, anxiety, and hopes of teachers of faith in a time of pandemic.


Mary Erika Bolanos
Principal, Senior High School, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Religious Education, Online Teaching, Pandemic, Faith