The Perception of Christian Religion in the Austrian Society (19th-century) through and According to two of Stifter's Tales : To What Extent Does Religion Interfere and Influence on Characters' Behaviour? How May God Be Indirectly Depicted?


It is fair to say that literary texts are to keep and share all the knowledge throughout history that exists within, even though it is through a story. Likewise, literary texts are key when it comes to understanding the world, as it is and as it was, in other times and cultures, which includes the way of perceiving religion and its explicit or implicit presence. Thus, the aim of this paper is to shed some light on the presence of the Christian religion in the Austrian society (19th-century) through and according to two of Stifter’s tales (Die Barmherzigkeit & Der Tod einer Jungfrau) and to analyse its scope: to what extent religion interferes and influences on characters’ behaviour and how God may be indirectly depicted.


Paula Quijano
Student, PhD Candidate, European University of the Atlantic, Cantabria, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization