Mary’s Fiat : An Interpretation of the Mother of Christ’s Agency from a Catholic Perspective


The Virgin Mary is the most extraordinary woman for Roman Catholics. Though her claim to fame is traditionally based on being the mother of Christ, there is another aspect of her personality which makes her importantly unique: since the proclamation of her immaculate conception by Pope Pius IX, it is understood that she is the only human to have ever enjoyed absolute free will. The construction of Mary’s free will was determined by a series of theological debates that attempted to explain how much freedom humanity actually possesses. For Catholics, free will is understood as an ability to choose to act in accordance to God’s desire or to reject it. But this simple definition derives from theological understandings shaped by the cultural underpinnings of different periods in history, beginning with the Augustinian interpretation of the fall. Mary’s perfect alignment with God’s will at the moment of the Annunciation, and the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception, implies a woman free from sin and thus able to acquiesce to God’s plans freely. This paper explores how the concept of free will was constructed by the Roman Catholic Church and how, unlike the rest of humanity, only Mary has ever possessed complete agency.


Alfonso Gómez-Rossi
Teacher, Education, Instituto Universitario Boulanger/UMIS, Puebla, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Foundations


Agency, Predestination, Catholicism